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ТОП-20 TIBETAN FOX (KEMONO FRIENDS) хентай-фото 2024 года (и не только)

tibetan fox (kemono friends) wiki

A Kemono Friends character. She is one of many "Friends" in Japari Park. The Tibetan Sand Fox (Vulpes ferrilata) is a species of True Fox who lives in the Tibetan Plateau. It's infamous for it's distinctive "stare", appearing almost human-like when looked at dead-on from the front with it's squarish face and small almond eyes. Tibetan Sand Fox (the Friend) shares the facial features of her original animal, simultaneously exhibiting a stong tsurime and a constant jitome. (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Альтернативные имена:

Tibetan fox (kemono friends) Rule 34

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