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ТОП-20 MALENIA BLADE OF MIQUELLA хентай-фото 2024 года (и не только)

malenia blade of miquella wiki

Malenia, Blade of Miquella, is a character in Elden Ring. She is the twin sister and loyal follower of Miquella (elden ring), and the daughter of Radagon and Marika. Called The Undefeated Swordswoman, she wears golden armor with a stylized winged helmet, resembling classical depictions of valkyrie. Her right arm and both of her legs are prosthetic. The left leg is attached just below the hip, while the right one attaches a little below the knee. (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Альтернативные имена:

Malenia blade of miquella Rule 34

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