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ТОП-20 ISUZU KAI NI (KANCOLLE) хентай-фото 2024 года (и не только)

isuzu kai ni (kancolle) wiki

{{isuzu_(kancolle)}}'s second remodel. The first member of the Nagara-class to have received a second remodel, her new uniform features a white collar and a radar headband while she gained several chest sizes (in part due to the artist improving). She now holds two guns, a bullpup-like Twin 12.7 cm AA gun and a SMG-like Triple 25mm AA gun holding a depth charge. This came with much stronger AA and ASW stats but a short attack range if she isn't given a surface gun. (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Isuzu kai ni (kancolle) Rule 34

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